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 One Who Protects - Ichigo FC

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Queen of Wasabi and Leeks

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PostSubject: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeTue Oct 13, 2009 6:34 pm

Do you love the main character? (Never mind, of course you do!) Here's where we talk about everything and anything related to Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki!

One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Untitled-1copy-1



I'd have added text to the banner, but my PS is being stupid, so maybe later. One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 769597

Last edited by Starz on Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:57 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Karasu Inoue
The King of Hyrule
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 14, 2009 2:01 pm

Joinzorz One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 185230 (On from school BTW... CURSE YOU INTERNETZ!!! WORK FOR ME!!!))
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 8:43 pm

Ichigo is love. Joinage. Of course. (did you really even need to ask? XD )
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2009 10:51 am

Must join, Ichigo is awesome Very Happy
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Lazy Bum Spirit King
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeFri Nov 06, 2009 7:20 am

Joinage DEMANDED!!!
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Queen of Wasabi and Leeks

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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 5:29 pm

One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 185230 (I'm not asking this because I need help with my fanfic, what are you talking about?)

How would you describe Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki? One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 559739
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeSat Nov 21, 2009 10:34 pm

Starz wrote:
One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 185230 (I'm not asking this because I need help with my fanfic, what are you talking about?)

How would you describe Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki? One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 559739

Okay, describing Ichigo... *cracks fingers...then cringes*

This is actually a really hard question for me to answer for some reason. He's a pretty complex guy. I think if you wanted to figure out how to describe him for a fanfic I'd have to know the layout and how you want him I make sense? One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 13383

In bleach, Ichigo's ofen introduced as "just a regular highschool kid" with an ability to see the dead and an offputting scowl. We are quickly informed that despite appearences he has a kind personality. Of course, these are all basic things everyone generally already knows.

When I first started reading Bleach he seemed to me to be a guy of many walls and fronts, put up to hide a broken boy. Volume 3 rolls along and it turns out I'm bang on. I relate to Ichigo in a lot of ways (but as I've said before, he's a million times better a person than I am) and I think a reason for this is-and no laughing dammit- we're both Cancer signs. I know people don't beleive in astrology but when you find your personality written out in books over and over again you start to think "hey, maybe these astrologers are on to somethin'!" So just listen:
The sign of Cancer is that of the crab. Crabs are creature known for their hard shells- that shell is what protects them, it is their home. Underneath this shell however crabs are soft and quite actually vulnerable. Cancerian's also have shells-emotional ones. That shell is our exterior, the face ( One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 256946 ) or image of our selves that we've decided it's okay for the world to see. Cancer's element is water and its ruling "planet" is the moon. Water rules over emotions and the unconcious and the moon also watches over this being a feminine aspect and so very changeable. We are one of the more emotional signs. We feel everything (intuitive). It's hard to fool us in that sense ( ). In every way of the word Cancers are sensitive, though you may never know it- Our exteriors are really tough (this exterior can be many things. Some are like Ichigo's and appear loud and maybe even obnoxious, others are calm and cool, while some care-free going on disconnected or oblivvious).

Relating either to the sensitive point or the crab, Cancers don't let go. Of anything. Good or bad. Cancers don't usually hold grudges but really hurt one and they will never forget. If one makes the effort to befriend a cancer they'll still be your friend eighty years later. Cancers treat close friends like family (The person who originally thought of the word 'Nakama' as a word or friends even close than family? Twenty bucks says they were a Cancer) and Cancers love their families like nothing else. Especially their moms. In fact, Cancers are actually known as the Moms (and Dads) of the Zodiac ( ). They're caring but also a bit bossy because of that ( , , ). In part of their unofficial mom status the Cancer's biggest instinct is to protect. The Cancer's true happiness will always lie with their home and family (and remember this means "nakama" too ).

Cancers are known as "the good kids" or "the nice guys" (I'm not bragging, I read that straight out of my books) who are very sympathetic and will go out of their way for others. Growing up in a negative environment may leave them with emotional problems that last for years causing them to keep up walls and not let anyone in. If the environment is positive the Cancer will become self-assured, successful, ambitious and giving people ( ). Cancers are hugely affected by what others think of them- no matter what they tell you or how much they deny it ( )- IT MATTERS ( , , , , , , and all the rest of chapter 283 , ).

On a physical note, Cancers usually have good figures (I'm not linking this one. I know you all have pictures.) and bright eyes. If you can't see an emotion through our shell it's probably wirtten on our face. If we manage to keep it off our face then our eyes will give us away (Every. Damn. Time.).

Cancers as previously stated are moody, and thus will have mood swings- there is a saying among crabs that they go two ways; kindness or crabbiness. And for the last final note, despite the Cancer's emotional sensitivity they are tough. "They focus on what's around them and never let go of what they want ( ). Like a real crab they hang on with their claws until one is broken- then they grow a new claw ( Instant regeneration FTW! XD ) and hang on some more! In spite of their sensitivity they're smart, tough cookies."

To sum in one sentance what I ended up saying in a huge rant; Ichigo's a Cancer sign! One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 674965

If you were to ask me randomly as if he were real and I were a stranger I'd probably just say something like, "He's a good guy. If you could trust anyone in the world with your life he'd be a good pick." XD I know. I'm so helpful aren't I?

Last edited by Fate-chan on Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Queen of Wasabi and Leeks

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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 9:36 pm

One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 769597 Wow, nice description. (And late response... My apologies.)

However, what do you like most about Ichigo Kurosaki? One Who Protects - Ichigo FC 674965

And do you think Ichigo is really concerned about his hollow atm? (With the whole loss of control on top of the dome and all.)
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PostSubject: Re: One Who Protects - Ichigo FC   One Who Protects - Ichigo FC Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 11:28 pm

Youy mean it wasn't all complete nonsense? XD

What do you like most about Ichigo Kurosaki?

I like how he's not what he seems. I love all characters who aren't as they appear to be. The first impression he gives most people is that he's rough and rude, but he's actually an amazing caring, complex guy. At the same time he has a very 'real' personality that seperates him from the traditional hero with their all encompassing I-can-do-no-wrong goodness. There's nothing really shallow about him. I wish more real people were as complex as him. XD

And do you think Ichigo is really concerned about his hollow atm? (With the whole loss of control on top of the dome and all.)

Ah, I like this question. See, he wouldn't appear to be bothered but if we look back at what happened with Byakuya he didn't appear bothered then either. We didn't find out until way later that it had been really eating him up inside (litterally). Also a part of is that there's really no time for him to be worrying about it. He didn't actually see what happened like in the byakuya fight (he doesn't know he went bullIchi. He just assumed it was his hollow because he lost conciousness woke up and saw devastation.) so he doesn't think it's anything different from normal, and in comparisson to then and now, he's met the vizards and knows that there actually is something he can do about the hollow now. On the flip side of this however, he has to be a little uneasy with how- after just going through the vizards training to suppress it a month ago- it's already gotten out and become stronger than before. I don't see how he can't be concerned, he's just not gonna show unless something really shakes him (like when hirako told him he'd be devoured by his hollow that first time).
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